Marijuana and cigarettes have been in use for many centuries. It is just recently that the process of vaporizing the substances has gained popularity. Even so, what’s the perspective of science regarding vaping technology? Is it good for you?
Normal Smoking Process
During normal smoking, the fire produces heat that changes the solid substance to vapor. When smoking cigarettes, nicotine is released and absorbed in your bloodstream via the lungs. This causes your heart rate to increase and blood vessels to constrict. In your brain, dopamine is released, causing the smoker to feel alert. Nicotine, however, is a stimulant that leads to cravings and addiction in users. With regard to Marijuana, THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, the active marijuana component becomes aerosolized and uses the same pathways to get to your bloodstream. The only difference is that it has different effects on cigarettes.
It only takes six seconds for the active components to hit your nervous system when you smoke. This smoke, however, contains particles that are partially burned and causes tar to build in the body, besides causing cancer. In addition, the partially burned particles destroy taste buds and blacken teeth. Sufficiently heating the active components to become aerosolized minus the combustion reaction with other non-active compounds; can theoretically obtain fast effects that do not have smoke inhalation damages.
How Vaping Works
Vaping basically entails a metal or glass chamber with an electrical current passing through. This allows it to be heated to controlled temperature. It results in vapor with very minimal combustion. This means that when you vape, you get to inhale very little smoke.
For those that use marijuana, vaporizers have become the order of the day. It allows for the plant material to be heated to a set temperature. This is usually somewhere between 15 and 210 degrees Celsius. At those temperatures, only the THC containing vapor is released.
Advantages of Vaping
One of the most obvious benefits to vaping is that you stand a lower health risk. Extensive research has indicated that smokeless tobacco products have not shown any detectable risk to disease. This, however, doesn’t imply that it is purely harmless, though the possibility is much consistent with the evidence available. But it doesn’t imply that the risks should be trivialized as well.
Different flavors
Most vapers have preferred e-liquid flavors. This points to a whole spectrum of e-liquid flavors from which you can choose. Many ex-smokers have successfully quit by adopting the vape technology, which offered them a better alternative to smoking through finding a preferable flavor, hence reduced health risks.
Those who have consistently used a flavor that doesn’t resemble tobacco smoke, oftentimes find the latter to have a terrible taste when trying thereafter. This is why those who opt to start vaping rarely consider switching back to smoking.
Vaping does not leave behind terrible odor or residue the way cigarette smoke does. To begin with, e-cigs do not have any smoldering tips like cigarettes and completely reduces the side-stream emissions. When you choose to vape, you do well to reduce secondary inhalation of partially burned tobacco products among non-smokers.