Have you ever used cocaine when you party late into the night? Do you know how long does cocaine stay in your system, blood, hair and urine? Below are the answers to the questions.
Cocaine is a naturally derived drug which is obtained from the leaves of the cocoa plant.
Even after being derived from the nature, it is stated as illegal, as once it is taken it gives a “high” sensations which eventually makes the person addictive to it.
- Cocaine is a white powder in its most natural and purest form.
- The techniques to take cocaine can vary from person to person, cocaine can be taken as:
1> Ingestion
2> Sortation
3> Injection
How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your System:
- A lot of estimations can be made on the usage of cocaine, however it is to be made clear that the exact timings of the presence of cocaine in your system can be made only by the amount of cocaine ingested along with the metabolism rate of the person who has taken cocaine.
- Usually in a small dose can result to its presence in your body for about 12 hours, however a heavier dose can take up to three days to completely get eliminated from the body( not its metabolites, as they can take a longer time)
- Cocaine can take even more time to be eliminated if taken along with alcohol.
- The time taken to eliminate these substances which form Cocaethylene when taken together can reach up to 5 days or even more.
- Taking in consideration the metabolite of cocaine, Benzoylecgonine or in simple language we can call it the residue of cocaine, it takes a longer time to get eliminated from the body.
- Benzoylecgonine is formed as the metabolism of cocaine is done in the liver.
- It usually takes for Benzoylecgonine about 4-5 days to eliminate even if the amount is minimal.
- Benzoylecgonine is also acts as the main element to undertake a drug test.
NOTES – How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your System
- It might bring great concern to certain amount of readers, as it is mandatory to know that it is possible for non- cocaine users might test positive for its usage.
- It happens as certain medicines consists compounds which are identical to the structure of Benzoylecgonine.
- In such a case, you should not panic, instead apply for the test to be confirmed.
How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your System For A Drug Test:
- As stated earlier that if a person ingests cocaine, it results to the creation of certain metabolites.
- Thee metabolites are also known as Benzoylecgonine which are formed by the metabolism taken place in the liver.
- They can be present in the body for at least 5 days if the minimal amount is taken, however, with a higher usage it can take about a month.
- Benzoylecgonine is also used as a muscle relaxant drug and an analgesic.
- Now coming to the point that how a drugs test is undertaken to detect the presence of cocaine, so it is actually a very simple process.
- Benzoylecgonine once formed in the body takes a lot of time which can range to double or triple the amount for cocaine to excrete.
- Benzoylecgonine is excreted through urine, so in case if the urine sample shows the presence of even a tiny bit of Benzoylecgonine, it clearly states the presence of cocaine in the body.
- For early elimination of this drug, the best remedy is to drink ample amount of water, water elevates the rate of excretion in the form of urine.
- For those who want to eliminate the drug, it is good to maintain a distance from caffeinated and alcoholic products, as they refrain the products from moving out.
How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your Blood:
- To be talking about the basics first, the presence of cocaine in the body mainly depends upon the metabolism of the body, the amount ingested along with the technique used to take it.
- Usually the blood is tested positive after 48 hours of intake of the drug.
- Some people are new to such experiences, whereas some are totally habitual to such practices, therefore the fresher’s can be affected by the drug and can show high indications of the drug.
- As compared to the habitual ones, they tend to cultivate extreme tolerance for the drug, therefore they can easily undergo the test, as the cocaine concentrations in their systems do not affect them much.
How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your Hair?
- For the cocaine to be tested positive, hair can serve as the best medium to check for some possible concentrations of cocaine.
- No matter what the amount ingested was, your hair can show symptoms of cocaine for about 90 days.
- For the hair to show the symptoms, it is not necessary for the person to have huge or small amounts of cocaine, the hair can show its presence for about 3 months or more.
- However if the hair falls or is cut of, it is difficult to diagnose the presence of the drug anymore.
How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your Urine:
- The most common technique of testing the presence of cocaine in person is by undergoing a urine test.
- During the initial hours after the intake of cocaine, urine usually shows low levels of cocaine.
- For those who are irregular users of the drug, cocaine can be present for about 2 days to 4 days.
- However for those who have been regular in takers of the drug, they can show the presence of the drug for about fifteen days.
- For those who consume cocaine through injection, the metabolites can be present for about 2 days.
- For those who take the drug in the form of smoking and snorting, they can show the symptoms which would last for about a week.
How Long Do Drugs Stay In Your System:
Drug are found in a number of varieties and can take various shapes, below is a short breakdown of various drugs and the amount of time it lasts in a human body:
NOTE: As stated above the presence of drugs depends on the metabolism, amount and the style in which the drug has been taken.
- Alcohol: Alcohol can stay for about 3-5 days in your urine, in your hair in can stay for around 3 months, and 10-15 days in can be found in your blood.
- Amphetamines: in urine it can stay for about 1-3 days, in hair in can stay for around 3 months, and in blood it can stay for about 12 hours.
- Barbiturates: in can stay for about 2-4 days in urine, for 3 months in your hair and in your blood it can stay for around 1-2 days.
- Benzodiazapines: it can stay in your urine for around 3-6 weeks, in hair it can stay for around 90 days, in your blood it can stay for around 2-3 days.
- Cannabis: It can stay in your urine for about 7-30 days, it can stay for 3 months in your hair, and about 14 days in your blood.
- Codeine: It usually stays for a days in urine, 3 months in hair, and can stay in your blood for about 12 hours.
- Heroin: it can last for about 3-4 days in urine, 3 months in your hair, and can stay for about 12 hours in blood.
- LSD: urine can show its symptoms for about 1-3 days, in hair in can be present for 3 days, and in your blood in can stay for about 2-3 hours.
- MDMA (ecstasy): urine can have its metabolites for about 3-4 days, 3 months for hair, and for blood it can have its metabolites for 1-2 days.
This was a complete breakdown of how long does cocaine stay in your system, blood, hair and urine, the info you need to have before even thinking of getting involved in such addictive practices. We hope this was helpful!